py-anki2-devel | Flashcard learning program (v2) | |
py-annarchy | Artificial Neural Networks architect | |
py-ansicolors | ANSI colors for Python | |
py-antlr3 | ANother Tool for Language Recognition, Python bindings | |
py-anvio | Analysis and visualization platform for 'omics data | |
py-anyconfig | APIs to load and dump configuration files in various formats | |
py-anywidget | Custom jupyter widgets made easy | |
py-aopython | Aspect Oriented Python | |
py-apache-arrow | Python Bindings for Apache-Arrow | |
py-applpy | ApplPy is a computational probability package written in Python | |
py-apprise | Notify muliple services with one interface | |
py-apscheduler | In-process task scheduler with Cron-like capabilities | |
py-arabic | Arabic text tools for Python | |
py-arabic-stopwords | Arabic Stop words: list and routins | |
py-arabic-text-quote | Package to discover texts extracted from Arabic books | |
py-archan | Analysis of your architecture strength based on DSM data | |
py-arpeggio | Packrat parser interpreter | |
py-arramooz-sqlite | Arabic Dictionary for Morphological analysis | |
py-arrayfire | Python bindings for ArrayFire | |
py-ars | Physically-accurate robotics simulator | |
py-art | ASCII Art Library For Python | |
py-aruudy | Arabic poetry package | |
py-arxiv | Python wrapper for the arXiv API | |
py-arxiv-connections | Python package used to visualize academics and find related people | |
py-arxiv2bib | Get metadata in BibTeX format | |
py-arxvier | Unofficial API tool for scientific publications | |
py-asdf_transform_schemas | ASDF schemas for validating transform tags | |
py-ase | Atomic Simulation Environment | |
py-asmai | Arabic semantic analysis library for Python | |
py-aspects | Lightweight aspect oriented programming library for Python | |
py-aspell | Python wrapper for GNU Aspell | |
py-aspyct | Python library including an aspect-oriented programming (AOP) engine | |
py-ass | Library for parsing and manipulating Advanced SubStation Alpha | |
py-astlib | Set of python modules for producing simple plots, statistics | |
py-astroalign | Python module for aligning astronomical images | |
py-astroplan | Astropy affiliated module for planning astronomical observations | |
py-astropy-healpix | Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelisation | |
py-astropy5 | Python module for astronomical calculations and data analysis | |
py-astroquery | Astropy coordinated Python module for querying astronomical databases | |
py-astroscrappy | Astropy affiliated Python module for cosmic ray removal | |
py-astutils | Utilities for abstract syntax trees and parsing with PLY | |
py-async | Framework to process interdependent tasks in a pool of workers | |
py-asyncmock | Extension to the standard mock framework to support support async | |
py-asyncore | The asyncore module found in Python prior to 3.12 | |
py-asynctest | Unittest package with features for testing asyncio libraries | |
py-atmark | Awk/Sed for humans | |
py-atmos | Atmospheric sciences utility library | |
py-atom | Memory efficient Python objects | |
py-atomicfile | Writeable file object that atomically updates a file | |
py-atpy | Astronomical Tables in Python | |
py-attrdict | Dict with attribute-style access | |
py-attrs-strict | Provides runtime validation of attributes specified | |
py-autoflake | Removes unused imports and unused variables | |
py-autokey | Desktop automation utility | |
py-automata | Finite automata for python | |
py-autorandr | Automatically select a display configuration from connected devices | |
py-avocado-framework | Next generation testing framework | |
py-awesome-slugify | Python flexible slugify function | |
py-awkward | Manipulate JSON-like data with NumPy-like idioms | |
py-awslogs | AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans | |
py-azure-common | Microsoft Azure Client Library for Python | |
py-azure-core | Microsoft Azure Core Library for Python | |
py-azure-identity | Microsoft Azure Identity Library for Python | |
py-azure-storage-blob | Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Client Library for Python | |
py-b3j0f.aop | Python Aspect Oriented Programming | |
py-backoff | Function decoration for backoff and retry | |
py-backports.csv | Backport of Python 3s csv module for Python 2 | |
py-backports.tarfile | Backport of CPython tarfile module | |
py-badges | Library and command-line tool for generating Github-style badges | |
py-bandicoot | Toolbox to analyze mobile phone metadata | |
py-bannock | Agent-based simulations in confined environments | |
py-baron | Full Syntax Tree for python to make writing refactoring code | |
py-base45 | Python Base45 Encoder/Decoder | |
py-bc-python-hcl2 | Parser for HCL2 | |
py-bcbio-gff | Read and write Generic Feature Format (GFF) with Biopython integration | |
py-bctpy | Brain Connectivity Toolbox for Python | |
py-Beaker | Session and caching library with WSGI middleware | |
py-beampy | Tool to create slide-show in SVG | |
py-beautysh | Bash beautifier for the masses | |
py-behaviour | Behaviour Driven Development in Python | |
py-bibtexparser3 | Bibtex parser for python3 | |
py-bicho | Bug tracking system tool analyzer | |
py-bidict | The bidirectional mapping library for Python | |
py-bigfloat | Arbitrary precision correctly-rounded floating point arithmetic | |
py-bincopy | Mangling of various binary file formats | |
py-biofrills | Bioinformatics utilities for molecular sequence analysis | |
py-bitsets | Ordered subsets over a predefined domain | |
py-blake2 | BLAKE2 hash function extension module | |
py-blaze | NumPy and Pandas interface to Big Data | |
py-blessings | Thin wrapper around terminal coloring, styling, and positioning | |
py-blist | list-like type with better asymptotic performance and similar performance on small lists | |
py-blosc | Python wrapper for the Blosc compression library | |
py-blosc2 | Python wrapper for the Blosc compression library | |
py-bloscpack | Command line interface to and serialization format for Blosc | |
py-blurb | Command-line tool to manage CPython Misc/NEWS.d entries | |
py-bokeh | Statistical and novel interactive HTML plots for Python | |
py-bolos | Library to solve the Boltzmann equation | |
py-booktype | FLOSS Manuals collaborative book writing tool | |
py-branca | Generate complex HTML+JS pages with Python | |
py-Brenda | Parallel computation system | |
mk | Subfolder |